
Article 1 (Purpose)

  • By registering and participating in the ‘2R2 Rewarded Program’ (hereinafter referred to as “RPP”), you with this acknowledge and affirm that you have meticulously reviewed and hence, fully consent to be legally bound by these ‘RPP Terms and Conditions’(hereinafter referred to as “Terms”)along with any future amendments or modifications incorporated therein. You also agree to 2R2’s Terms and Conditions, which can be found here: https://2r2.io/terms.
  • For the intentions and implication of these ‘Terms’,’ we’ denotes ArtToken and its precursors, successors, and assigns, including their respective officers, directors, shareholders, employees, and agents. Kindly note, these ‘Terms and Conditions shall not modify or amend the terms of any other agreements that you may have with us concerning other services or products we offer.
  • We, along with our administrators (collectively referred to as "we", "us", and "our"), retain the irrevocable right to alter these Terms at any point in time, with or devoid of any preceding notification. This includes the authority to suspend or bring alterations to the RPP.
    • Kindly Note: If you find yourself at odds with these terms and conditions, we strongly advise you not to engage or participate in the RPP.

Article 2 (Protection of Personal Information)

  • Information collected about RPP is subject to 2R2’s Privacy Policy (”Privacy Policy”), which can be accessed at the following link: https://2r2.io/privacy
  • By participating in the RPP, users agree to the data practices described in the Privacy Policy in relation to the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information of others.

Article 3 (Membership Eligibility)

  • RPP is an international program and only individuals who are 18 years of age or older at the time of registration may participate.

Article 4 (Member’s Conditions)

  • 2R2 possesses the unequivocal right to half or terminate involvement in the RPP if incidents of fraud, exploitation of points or rewards, infringement of these terms, or breach of related laws occur. All points and rewards tied to that account will be nullified immediately following such a determination. Individuals or corporations that exploit the RPP for commercial profit cannot gather points.

Article 5 (Member Account and Reward Point Accumulation )

  • To participate in the Reward Point Program (”RPP”), members should fully input the required account information requested by 2R2 by connecting their waller to the site and must maintain an account that can transact on the site.
  • RPPP(Reward Point Program) is the loyalty program for site users, allowing members to accumulate 2R2 Reward Points (”RP” or “Reward Point”) through rewards on the site until the limited quantity is exhausted. Members can accumulate points through various reward activities on-site. Members can find detailed information about the list of reward activities in the 2R2 users guide and site.
  • Accumulated RPs can be used in the “RP Shop”(https://2r2.io/rp_shop?prize=details) on the site. The items that can be exchanged in the RP shop may change, and the changed items can be confirmed from the product list in the point shop.
  • Reward Points received as rewards will be immediately reflected upon receipt. 2R2 will notify by alert and application list at its sole discretion whether the points have been successfully accumulated. It is the member’s responsibility to check the notifications on the site, and members have a duty to check their point reward history. If rewards are not reflected, members must contact 2R2 customer service (info@2r2.io) within 90 days. After 90 days from the actual day, adjustments to the member’s account will not be made except at the absolute discretion of 2R2.
  • Reward Point accumulation is achieved through collection rewards, daily rewards, voting rewards, etc., and the accumulation criteria are based on mathematical calculations specified in the site’s user guide. 2R2 reserves the right at any time during the RPP period unilaterally:
    1. Change the number of points awarded for certain reward activities or not to reward points.
    2. Add new reward activities for a limited period or permanently.
    3. Delete some or all of the point accumulation methods.
    4. Limit the number, frequency, or total amount of time a member can attend reward activities or accumulate points during a specific period
    5. Provide point accumulation opportunities to a certain number of group
  • Furthermore, 2R2 may provide RP for participation in reward activities for a promotion, not provide rewards for the same reward activity in subsequent activities.
  • 2R2 is not responsible for rewards lost due to incorrect email addresses or technical communication problems
  • When the RPP ends or a member’s account is closed, accumulated rewards are forfeited. Rewards Points can only be exchanged for products offered through the 2R2 sites RP shop and have no cash value.
  • All points obtained through reward activities are considered limited, non-exclusive, and nontransferable personal assets. Therefore, you do not own any property rights, exclusive rights, ownership, or any monetary benefits to the points, and the points always remain as assets 2R2.
  • Reward points cannot be exchanged for “actual” or cash, and cannot be transferred or assigned for any reason or by law. Points have no purpose or use other than exchanging for rewards offered internally. Therefore, you cannot purchase, sell, barter, or trade points.
  • Rewards points are not valid unless strictly accumulated in compliance with the conditions set and intended by us and members should not attempt to earn points by pretending to comply with these conditions (including but not limited to using a script, bots, or other automated means)
  • 2R2 reserves a right at its sole discretion to take any other or additional action its deems appropriate if a member is found to be in violation of these terms and conditions. You agree to abide by 2R2’s final and binding decisions regarding the RPP and your participation in the RPP.

Article 6 (Usage of Reward Points and Rewards)

  • Upon accumulation, reward points are credited to the member’s account profile. These credited reward points can be used in the “RP Shop” within the 2R2 website to acquire digital rewards (”rewards” or “compensation”) and can be used until all points are exhausted.
  • The amount of reward points required for exchange is listed for each item in the RP Shop. Prior confirmation of compliance with these terms and the member’s qualifications is necessary to utilize rewards and other related information.
  • Rewards may not be issued until the member’s qualifications are confirmed and finalized, and this can vary at the absolute discretion of 2R2. The items displayed as rewards on the 2R2 website can change at the absolute discretion of the item. The items listed in the RP shop on the 2R2 website can vary depending on the items added and can be exchanged as long as there is a remaining quantity.
  • 2R2 does not provide any statement, guarantee, or warranty that certain rewards can be used or will be continuously provided from the Point shop. Reward availability is limited and offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. 2R2 retains the right to modify, change, or remove any reward or its elements at any time. In addition, 2R2 retains the right to adjust the point value of the rewards for any reasons and all usage is subject to the terms and conditions requirements of 2R2 websites.
  • The total point that the user can generate and use for item exchange is the total points available in the member’s account at the time of exchange. When a member exchanges rewards for points, the corresponding points are deducted from the member’s account.
  • Members can choose from the items or benefits listed in the RP Shop on the 2R2 website when they have enough available points. If you win through the reward exchange, the winning member will be notified.
  • As part of the RPP activities, points can sometimes be used to enter events that may be offered on the site.
  • Items in the RP Shop are offered as “as-is” without any explicit or implicit warranty or guarantee by us. Points are not the personal assets of the members and cannot be inherited, transferred, bequeathed, bartered, or sold to a third party.
  • the points required for rewards vary depending on the reward and detailed information and usage guidelines on rewards, such as the full list of available rewards, required points, etc., can be checked on the site. The types of rewards can be continuously changed and rewards should be used according to these terms and reward guidelines.

Article 7 (Disclaimer)

  • Access and use of this program is at your sole risk and the program is provided “as is” and “as available”. Therefore, to the maximum extent permitted by law, 2R2 does not make any express or implied representations, warranties, or promises and does not bear any responsibility for:
    • 2R2 and the website providing 2R2;
    • The functionality, features, and other elements or those accessible through the 2R2 and RPP websites;
    • All services or guidelines linked or provided through the 2R2 and RPP websites;
    • Harmful components on servers that enable access to the 2R2 and RPP websites;
    • Whether the defects or errors of the 2R2 website will be corrected or repaired;
    • The legality of using 2R2 and RPP in a particular jurisdiction.
  • Except for the specific warranties specified in this agreement or additional terms we provided, we disclaim all express or implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or misuse of third-party intellectual property ownership.
  • Some jurisdictions do not allow or limit the disclaimers of implied or other warranties, so the above disclaimers may not apply within the scope of the laws of those jurisdictions.

Article 8 (Limitation of liability)

  • In no event shall we be liable or obligated for any kind of loss, damage, or direct, indirect, economic, punitive, incidental, or consequential loss or damage related directly or indirectly including but not limited to physical injury or death arising from:
    • The website provides 2R2 and RPP;
    • Your activities related to 2R2 or RPP;
    • Your use or inability to use RPP or the performance of the website related to RPP;
    • All actions taken in related to copyright owners, other intellectual property owners, or other rights holders;
    • Damages due to viruses, bugs, tempering, fraud, errors, omissions, interruptions, defects, operational or transmission delays, computer line or network failure, or other technical or operational malfunctions causing damage to the user’s computer, hardware, software, modern or other equipment or technology including loss of profit, loss of goodwill, data loss, work stoppage, accuracy of results, or equipment failure or malfunctioning form of loss or damage due to the technical or operational errors of our 2R2 websites and RPP.
  • The above limitations of liability apply even if the above event or situation was foreseeable and we were so should have been aware of the possibility of such loss or damage, regardless of whether you take legal action based on contract, negligence, strict liability, or tort (including whether it is a partial or total fault, act of God, communication failure etc.)
  • Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations of exclusion may not apply to you
  • To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we are in no way liable for any damages. losses and causes of action that may arise in relation to your access to and use of your rights under the program and these terms.

Article 9 (Our Rights)

  • 2R2 or its administrators reserve the right to modify, suspend, cancel, or discontinue the program, in whole or in part, for any reason in its sole discretion, with or without prior notice to Members. Among other things, 2R2 or its administrators may cancel, limit, modify, suspend, or withdraw any item or modify or regulate any points, reward products, or benefit earned by you.
  • 2R2 or its administrators reserve the right to interpret and apply the policies and procedures set forth in these Terms. All decisions of 2R2 or its administrators, including eligibility determinations or RP shop item listings are final conclusive in each case.
  • 2R2 or its administrators reserve the right to terminate a Member’s participation in the Program, refuse to pay for items, or terminate the service if it is determined that a Member has violated these Terms.
  • Member is solely responsible for any unauthorized use that may occur as a result of the theft or sharing of Member’s wallet account. Member agrees to notify 2R2 or the Administrator immediately if Member becomes aware of any unauthorized use of this or her account or any other breach of security
  • The program is a service provided to individual Members, not companies or other entities and no company or other entity may direct, encourage or permit any individual to participate for any purpose other than personal use.
  • If a member engages in fraudulent activity or uses the program in a manner not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and applicable law, 2R2 or the Administrator reserves the right to terminate or suspend the Member’s participation in the Program and/or invalidate the Member’s Points
  • Any attempt by a Member to damage the Website or undermine the legitimate operation of the RPP may constitute a violation of criminal and civil law, if such an attempt is made, 2R2 reserves the right to seek damages from such person to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  • 640, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Article 10 (Class action waiver and binding arbitration)

  • This section affects your legal rights, including the right to bring a lawsuit. Please read it carefully. Except for the exceptions described in this section, you and 2R2 agree to resolve all disputes between us individually through binding final arbitration. That is you agree to submit such disputes subject to the arbitration agreement to a fair arbitrator on your behalf, instead of waiving your rights to bring
  • Disputes may occur between you and 2R2 (as defined below). In such situations, 2R2 promises to cooperate with you to resolve the dispute. Therefore both parties agree to seriously attempt to resolve the dispute informally before sharing the formal dispute resolution procedure described below.
  • This informal dispute resolution procedure is a prerequisite and precondition to start arbitration or small claims court action.
  • To initiate this process, the party initiating the dispute must send a written explanation of the dispute to the other party, including the specific relief sought and the basis for it. For all disputes that you raise, you agree to send this written information, along with your contact information and enough details for 2R2 to identify your transaction, account, or other relevant information, by registered mail to 640, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea. The periods mentioned below begin from the day this written notice is received.
  • You agree to participate in good faith negotiations on the dispute, including an informal and individualized phone dispute resolution meeting. If one party has appointed a lawyer of that party can attend, but the party itself must also attend and participate directly in the meeting. While this procedure should resolve the dispute, if the dispute is not resolved within 60 days after receiving the written explanation mentioned above, you and 2R2 agree to the additional dispute resolution provisions below.
  • Both parties agree that filling frees or other deadlines may apply whole participating in this informal dispute resolution process.

Article 11 (Arbitration)

  • All disputes between you and 2R2 that cannot be resolved informally as mentioned above should be resolved through individual arbitration or small claims court
  • The term “Dispute” should be interpreted as broadly as the law allows and includes, but is not limited to all claims or disputes related to us or our relationship including below:
    1. Claims and liability theories based on contract, tort, fraud, misrepresentation, negligence, statute, regulation, ordinance, or otherwise
    2. Claims that arose prior to this or a prevision terms
    3. Claims that arise after the termination of these terms
    4. Claims that are the subject of alleged class action lawsuits
  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, either you or 2R2 may choose to:
    1. Litigate the dispute individually in a small claims court if the dispute amount is within the jurisdiction of the appropriate small claims court.
    2. Litigate the dispute in a court of competent jurisdiction to prohibit infringement or other misuse of intellectual property rights
  • Members do not have the right or authority to initiate or bring disputes related to claims on behalf of others in the form of a class action, consolidated action, or representative action
  • The waiver of class actions and collective relief is an essential part of this arbitration clause and cannot be separated from the arbitration clause. The remaining part of this arbitration clause art not essential and can be separated from the arbitration clause by the court of jurisdiction.
  • Notwithstanding with foregoing, if a court determines that the waiver of collective relief cannot be enforced and all appeals against that decision are exhausted, the parties agree that the claim for collective prohibition relief will be suspended until this arbitration clause survives and the remaining claims proceed to arbitration.
  • If for any reason a claim can proceed in court instead of attributions, the parties waive the rights to a jury trial to the extent that such waiver is not found to be unenforceable. This means that all claims will be decided by a judge, not a jury.
  • This arbitration clause remains vailed even after these terms and conditions or the RPP has ended. Amendments to this attribution clause must be forward-looking and do not affect pending claims or arbitration proceedings.

Article 12 (General Provisions)

  • On all aspects of this RPP, the decision of 2R2 is final and binding on all participants without any right of appeal. Anyone deemed to be violating the interpretation of these terms of services by 2R2 or the administrator for any reason may e restricted at the absolute discretion of the company at any time.
  • The company reserves the right to reject the participation of those who are ineligible or have issues with eligibility in any way.
  • If a remember abuses the RPP by not complying with these terms, their account may be restricted, future eligibility for the RPP program may be revoked and all accumulated points may be forfeited.
  • If any provision of these terms is deemed to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by any jurisdiction’s court or arbitrator for any reason, the provision is considered severable from these terms and does not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.
  • Within the limits allowed by relevant laws, you agree to waive any and all relevant laws and customary laws that could be interpreted against the parties of the contract and accordingly, you waive them.


  • This Point Terms and Conditions is effective from July 22, 2023